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(03-08-2013, 02:19 PM)Nater link Wrote: Hahaha you nuff nuff xD Nazis werent in the Vietnam war you got the wrong war dude

Yes they were, I was there and fought them  :'( You disrespectful cunt. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT I WENT THROUGH IN THERE?!
(03-08-2013, 02:28 PM)Shark link Wrote: Yes they were, I was there and fought them  :'( You disrespectful cunt. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT I WENT THROUGH IN THERE?!
Hahaha ya mad cunt xD Stop going offtopic its about Nazis not Nam  >:)
Oh so you got anything against Vietnamese people? Wow, you support Hitler and you're racist.

How is this guy still allowed here?!

oost, take care of him!
(03-08-2013, 02:32 PM)Shark link Wrote: Oh so you got anything against Vietnamese people? Wow, you support Hitler and you're racist.

How is this guy still allowed here?!

oost, take care of him!
I do have a problem with some Vietnamese people. I am racist I will admit it. Check some of my ban logs I have been banned for it
Well, fuck. I didn't expect that.
(03-08-2013, 02:48 PM)Shark link Wrote: Well, fuck. I didn't expect that.
I am only racist to certain people mainly the races that take australians jobs its bullshit
The only jobs immigrants take are the shitty jobs that require no qualifications, and are the jobs they deserve to get if they apply for them.

Latter half of this vid-
Doug Stanhope - Nationalism

"... they don't speak the language, and they don't have education- they don't even have shoes half the time. They're all like, bare-foot, tattered castaway like Gilligan's Island shorts, a dirty t-shirt, dehydrated like they've been walking in the desert for 40 days- and if that guy is as qualified for your job as you are, you're a fucking loser of such epic, humiliating proportions, I would be ashamed to have anyone find out that guy took my job."

The following bit on neuroscience jobs is great too. One of my favourite vids on youtube.
I'm racist towards certain races aswell. Take gypsies for example. They don't do shit. Yet they're offered houses, whenever they want money they just go to social security and threaten the clerks and their families if they don't give them money, etc. And nothing is done. I understand why France kicked them out.

Rofl Shark  _O- True Maddolis with some of them. Some are shit as tho I had a courier that spok e fuck all english was frustrating. If they want to live here learn english or leave