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Seeking voluntary developers (php, mysql etc)
(12-31-2012, 11:57 AM)Matthias link Wrote: How does one lose interest in programming? :(
One can loose interest in many things I have lost interest in having a interest in interesting things ya feel me dawg? xD
me  2 nater :/
(12-31-2012, 01:41 PM)Kase link Wrote: If you're interested in programming, eperience is often more valuable than money, especially if you're a student.  :)
Words spoken true, experience is required if you wish to earn money on what you do.

(12-31-2012, 08:58 AM)KaBooM link Wrote: I wish you posted something like this like last year or before that when I still had interest in programming.
Lost interest in it... I didn't GIVE UP, I just lost interest.
Losing interest is normal, but not regaining it is to give up.
With all due respect, but your project will fail. Unless you strive for great quality (in which case you'll have a fierce requirements on all the mentioned expertise) or a unique set of features not found elsewhere, it's definitely not going to work out. I'm sorry. Even when you have either of them, software takes off because of the community powering it. You can see this happening with projects such as jQuery and WordPress - neither is the best available on the market from a technical point of view, but because of the vast amount of community support, plugins, extensions and the like, people don't care.

My advise: contribute to an open source project instead. For example, start writing patches to make WordPress more appropriate for your requirements. No one likes software that may be useful right now, but will be abandoned a year later because the owner realized that what I just said is true.
peter plz, he OWNS u
(01-01-2013, 10:25 PM)Peter link Wrote: With all due respect, but your project will fail. Unless you strive for great quality (in which case you'll have a fierce requirements on all the mentioned expertise) or a unique set of features not found elsewhere, it's definitely not going to work out. I'm sorry. Even when you have either of them, software takes off because of the community powering it. You can see this happening with projects such as jQuery and WordPress - neither is the best available on the market from a technical point of view, but because of the vast amount of community support, plugins, extensions and the like, people don't care.

My advise: contribute to an open source project instead. For example, start writing patches to make WordPress more appropriate for your requirements. No one likes software that may be useful right now, but will be abandoned a year later because the owner realized that what I just said is true.

I value your reply, Peter. However, I am certain it is not the project that will fail, but do not think me ignorant. I do know what you mean, and I find wisdom in those words, but this is different from what you compare with. First of all, it is not an open source project, nor do we aim towards publicity (community) of such. Secondly, it is meant to earn ourselves experience while creating something useful of which if very successful could be profitable. Lastly, one does not throw away goals or dreams in our lives for reason. Because passion rules reason.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I've done a lot (20+) of such projects and have also sold them commercially. And yes, it did give me a lot of experience, which proved to be very useful in later projects I did. One important difference is that in most projects other people were involved who would have been able to take them over if I ever dropped out, albeit only to offer continued support. That's exactly what you need if you'd like to sell a proprietary project commercially: dedicated people who are able to drive it, and independently solve issues. This creates an unwritten, but very heavy contract between you and the project.

I'm not saying you shouldn't do it at all. You probably should, but unless you plan on spending most of your time mentoring those with (significantly) less experience it may not be the right kind of experience you're giving them :). And set their expectations straight from the start, also about the commercial viability of a system like this one, because selling a script comes with an incredibly big amount of responsibility in ownership, maintenance, quality and security.
Peter is awesome nuff' said :)