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Tutorial: Importing your own project
Importing your own project

So, it seems you're already working on a project, and you'd like to use the LVP Pawn Editor project-related features. This tutorial will help you through setting up your project in the LVP Pawn Editor. Let's get started!

1. Creating a new project

First of all, we want to create a new project. To do so, go to Files -> New Project.... You should see something like this:

[Image: pe_newproject.png]

There are several options in this panel.
  • Project name
    You should enter your project name here. This is the only required field.
  • Legal information
    Here you can set up your project's legal information. You can choose copyright years and license type.

  • Import all .pwn files in the project's directory
    Quite self-explanatory; if you check this box, the LVP Pawn Editor will take care of importing all your .pwn files in the project itself, so you'll be able to view your whole project directory in the Project Overview panel.

Once you've chosen your favourite settings, click on Create to save the project file to a folder of your choice. This file stores your project settings; you'll need it to open your project in the LVP Pawn Editor.

2. Setting project properties

Once we set the project files, we can take a look at the properties menu to customize your project even more! To open the Project Settings menu, right click on the project name in the Project Overview panel, and click on Project Properties...

[Image: pe_projectsettings.png]

Let's take a closer look at the Project Settings menu.
  • Project name
    If you'd like to change your project name, you can do so by editing this field.
  • Legal information
    Here you can edit legal information, such as copyright years and which license applies to your project. This information will be used in the License header template of new project files.

  • Primary file
    As explained in the panel itself, the primary file is the one which has to be compiled for your project.

3. Creating new files and folders in your project

You can create new files and folders directly from the LVP Pawn Editor through the Project Overview panel. To do so, choose the directory you want your new file/folder in, then right click the project name in the Project Overview panel, and click New directory... or New file...

The New directory panel is quite simple and self-explanatory, while the New file panel has another option. Let's take a look at it.

[Image: pe_newfile.png]

As we can see, there are three kind of templates which can be apply to new files.
  • Empty file
    Plain, blank file. No custom template is applied at all.
  • License header
    The License header template includes a comment at the beginning of the file which explains the project license we chose in the Project Settings panel.

  • License header + simple class
    It's just like the License header template, but this one also includes a simple class structure. Classes are a PreCompiler feature, and they won't be available until it is released. Keep an eye on these forums!

And we're done! It wasn't that hard, was it? Have fun exploring all the project-related features in the LVP Pawn Editor! Happy coding!