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Improvement in the bansystem
Most of you already know that sa-mp has a feature to ban on a serial id which should be unique for every single PC running sa-mp. I think keeping track of these ID's and using them to identify evaders is a great way to improve our system.

The features I'd suggest are:
  • Add the serial ID as ban trigger for every ban
  • Keep track of serial ID's used by nicknames
  • A IRC function to lookup which nicknames have been using which ID's and vice versa, like !ipinfo
Before any steps are takes we should be sure that the serial ID is what it suggest, that it is indeed a static, unique identifier. I'd like Russel to take a peek under the hood and tell us where the serial is actually based upon.

I don't want to move away from IP banning completely even if the serial ID is unique and static, I just want to add extra ways to stop evaders.

If anyone wants to see how the function works, check unique_id.pwn in the filterscript folder on the mainserver I uploaded.

also: please keep this subject within .dev
Are you suggesting that we obtain their MAC address and create a unique identifier from that?

Searching around I found something that would be bad news for that. http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=252397
No, I was suggesting the gpci function.

I've gathered some data after 42 data-points I already found a duplicate. There was no relation between the 2 player that joined with the same gpci, different country, name,  or ip range.
I'll leave the script running for a while but I can already say with certainty that gpci alone isn't useful for banning purposes. We could use it to identify evaders when combined with an ip range.

I'll report back later with more results.