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Adios hammy.

We don't have any plan right now, so there isn't anyone 'in charge' who has to approve stuff. The only problem is, yeah, that we have no plans, and since we'd have to wait for managers to approve some of the devs ideas to start developing a plan and a framework, we can't do anything yet.

I'd like to point you 2 topics. First one, this: http://forum.sa-mp.nl/index.php?topic=30392.0 - and once again, as I already stated in my reply to that post, the 'messy features' part coincide. Second one: http://forum.sa-mp.nl/index.php?topic=30...#msg417947

Quoting here my reply from the beta team section:

(03-31-2012, 03:58 PM)Kase link Wrote: [...]

We could set a few topics in a separate board where the community, the beta team and the crew exchange opinions, ideas, and thoughts on LVP 3.0 with the developers. Not like the one hidden in here: it should be open to everyone. And in my opinion, it shouldn't even be a child board. Can we realize this?

Since I really think that the community has to be involved in the development process, I thought that was a good idea to define a plan about what to do, everyone, together. But... we have to wait until we get an approval, I suppose.

Oh also, my view on this, which was posted in Beta Team section:

(03-30-2012, 03:08 PM)Kase link Wrote: [...]

  Now, new players want to join a server where they can chill, play around, fight, and if they want to, roleplay a bit to relax. The current Las Venturas Playground gamemode is holding all these features. The only problem is they're messy.

Each of Las Venturas Playground feature is not blended with the rest of the gamemode. We don't need a big revolution: we need to organize things, redesign our gamemode. THAT is the ONLY thing that will get more players in, and please the current ones. Currently there's no bait on the hook.

If you want, I could think and write about this 'reorganization' in a more insightful way, and we could discuss about that.


It's one of the most important thing. We're letting the community off. We've been ignoring suggestions and ideas for too long. We've been obsessed with this 'privacy' bullshit which doesn't let the community see what we're doing. LET PEOPLE UNDERSTAND WE'RE WORKING FOR THEM! I will never stress this enough.

Imo, we should start writing a blog where developers write what they've been working on, what are the plans for the future, and even ask suggestions about what to do in a certain situation (obviously I'm talking about ideas-wide, not technical's). Not like the current one, where we just put changelogs. It doesn't involve community at all.

We should think of ways of involving community in the development process, and get rid of all this privacy. It's not like we're FBI, what harm would it do to let people see we're actually trying to make LVP a better place?