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[BUG] Teleport to VIP Room
If a VIP Player is in the Vip room and teleport is enabled, other players can teleport to him into the vip room (also non-vip players).  And teleport with a car into the room is possible, too.
Nice one but don't forget this http://forum.sa-mp.nl/index.php?topic=21714.0
Okay, then again:

Give a clear description of the bug. // What were you doing? Please post this as detailed as possible.
If a VIP Player is in VIP-Room and teleport is enabled (/my tp on) other players (also non-VIP-Players!) can teleport to him into the VIP-Room (/tp [id]). Teleport to him into the room with a car is possible too (/ctp [id]) (so you can drive in the room with the car).

Was it only once, or did it happen all the time? Can you include steps to reproduce?
It happen only if a VIP Member is in VIP-Room, teleport is enabled and a other player tries to teleport to him.
Steps to reproduce:
- A VIP Member is in VIP-Room and /my tp on
- Other Player (VIP or Non-VIP-Member) do /tp [id] or /ctp [id]
- Now he (the other player) is in the VIP-Room respectively he is in the VIP-Room with a car

Did you try to reconnect first?

In what version did the bug occur?
LVP 2.94.8

If you have any additional information (more details, a screenshot or a video), please include this with the post.
I will add a screenshot as soon as possible.
Fixed in the next version, thank you for reporting! :).

It's also possible to /dive out of the VIP Room...
(01-05-2012, 11:15 PM)GeForce link Wrote: Hey,

It's also possible to /dive out of the VIP Room...

Thanks. Now I can use that to lame-run from other players.
(01-05-2012, 11:15 PM)GeForce link Wrote: Hey,

It's also possible to /dive out of the VIP Room...

Also fixed :).