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need serious help

[Image: gtaisfukedupcu1.png]
It's what starts the game. The only thing I can think of is getting a new executable and putting it in your San An folder.

wats an executable?
ok here we go. uninstall your sp-mp 0.2.2 then get this http://dedi.azer.nl/samp/sa-mp-0.2.2-R2.exe and install it to your GTA SA directory.
then start playing.

If this does not fix that error. reinstall GTA SA but i dont think you need to go that far to fix it  :)
Oh jeez.

Sorry, but you need to not come "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN" and paste your pic. We aren't a helpdesk, and aren't a community dedicated to helping people with their SA-MP troubles. To be fair, the General Talk section is for general chat, but way too many people ask for SA-MP help when it should be asked here.

Also, this is just a lazy mistake, as you've messed up the setting for where your GTA:SA installation is:- Go to the tools > settings menu, and change it there.

And I'm going to lock this topic now, as I've told you how to fix it, and it was a pretty poor attempt to make a decent startpost, and also you should actually learn to read error messages, as they do help you, you know.