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Health Bug.
Alright, so, according to this topic he clearly got the bug I found a few days ago. When you take over the 2 turfs at Gang Base, and afterwards buy the gang base property.. Some how your health goes back up to 100 when it's down at 1/2, first I started to report people for this, but then I found out it's a bug and not actually cheats because it happened to me as well.

I've noticed and seen this in the fight club and around ship, I have also had this myself.. And, the strange thing is; It's only the health that get back up to full, but you get the normal 1-10 extra you get from that prop on your Armour + right after you're kinda unhitable.

Give a clear description of the bug.

You take over the 2 turfs at gang base, afterwards you buy the Gang Base property, and some how when you're fighting, ONLY your health gets back up to 100 when it's down at 1/2, seen this in fight club allot + around ship. And, people some how become unhitable for some time after the health resets back to 100.

What were you doing? Please post this as detailed as possible.

Nothing special but fighting, happened a few times in the fight club and around ship.

Where there other players which encountered the same problem?

I have seen allot of people having the same thing as the guy that got banned, I first thought they were cheating, but after a little research I found out by seeing lots of people with the same thing that it's actually a bug from the Gang Base property.

Was it only once, or did it happen all the time? Can you include steps to reproduce?

To times It could happen each time they got the extra health from the Gang Base property.

Did you try to reconnect first?


In what version did the bug occur? (example: 2.90.38 or 2.91.0)

The version we got right now, dunno what version it is.

I also remember I reported PacoBeanZ[Dx] for the same thing to Lithirm, he was watching him for some time (because I thought he cheated), but it didn't happen again.. I also have seen many people with the same thing including myself, so it's obvious a bug.
I noticed that too, it happens a lot. I was in with a random nick and when fighting someone who has the gangbase and ammunation. They had around 20 armour and 100 health when I made a big shot taking about 80hp, but their health abd armour immediatly restored to where it was before I made that shot.

It's an annoying feature, if devs insist on keeping it then more thought needs to go into it. Disabling it in minigames and /fight, disabling it while the player is in a gun fight in general, disabling it on spawn because sometimes you get 10armour on spawn instead of 100.
Not 100% sure, but it can as well be the the property inside the ammo store at /taxi 4.

Check all of the health-properties when you do.
Here it is the video proof of health refill. when i have 30hp.. This bug happens if we have full armour..

Health Refill
We will look into that. Made a ticket. Thanks for reporting!
The gangbase health refill fail sometimes instead of lets say refill 1hp,it give full sometimes.