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Lethal Vengeance || Lv. || www.lv-clan.com
He's Jonas and idk why admins dont do nothing about it but Jonas is just jealous on Lv because they're not losing vs easy clans such as Sy

Clanwar [Sy] VS [uGp] 4 - 1
if he doesnt believe me, he could just ask him, I told him he's kicked nd afterwards I said he could get 1 more chance, cuz I like him in general, but he decided to leave anyways and quit samp.
Everything is gonna be ok, man. Lv will still be kicking asses without him. You are strong enough. Let the force be with you!!
MaZ don't worry man, Lv is not dumb enough to press wrong cheat key and refil hp

]uGp[Jonas cheating on sfr
LOOOL at that vid ^
(04-15-2012, 04:53 PM)STyL4 link Wrote: MaZ don't worry man, Lv is not dumb enough to press wrong cheat key and refil hp

]uGp[Jonas cheating on sfr
Rofl what a useless nab
old news nater xD and they're still saying it's some sort of bug, which only occured once on the whole server and it just happened to ]uGp[Jonas, coincidence right?
(04-16-2012, 04:29 PM)MaZ link Wrote: old news nater xD and they're still saying it's some sort of bug, which only occured once on the whole server and it just happened to ]uGp[Jonas, coincidence right?
Rofl Indeed _O- "happend once" Thats funny as fuck :P
Haha yeah, you see dumb cheaters in uGp getting busted like that everyday. xD And they look ugly IRL too:

[Image: jonas.png]

Okay enough of off-topic, Lv is better,cleaner and stronger than uGp and if uGp is showing their care here then no need to spam. Let's move on.
blooddrunk is back in the game 8) after some months he decided to start playing samp with a clan again and he started chilling with us and reapplied. He's accepted as trial member now!
Welcome back b <3
also ext3m3tz got accepted as trial

TCW - Lv vs GsF || Rick
lv vs sn tcw
Lv vs GaH | TCW [Raider]
Lv vs TeK - no cbug | turok

some vids of our last TCWs
1st vid by Rick
2nd vid by blooddrunk
3rd vid by raider
4th vid by turok