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Username: 123robot
Banned because: Flood mod.

I don't think it said why I was, but I do know why.

Please unban me! It was just an acident!  :'(
What was just an accident?
And no, I didn't ban you for some kind of flood mod. I think you know the right reason, don't you ;)

Indeed, you were using some kind of airbrake cheat. Or how would you explain that I saw you hanging in the air, moving back and forth and up and down?

And incase you didn't know; Cheating means you're banned forever.
It was because no one else could see the water, only see me floating in the air.

And if you don't believe me, I don't even know of any airbrake cheats!  :(

And still, it was an acident. Please!  ;(
Water?!?! It was near Skiwii's Baseball stadium....there's no water in that part of Las Venturas  ;)

Accident or not, (cheating is not an accident btw.)

cheating = lifetime ban. If you don't want to get banned, STAY OFF drugs CHEATS!
It was still a flood mod.

I promise, I won't cheat again. Please! :'(
Well, that's exactly what I want to hear: I won't cheat again.
If you're so sorry, why DID you cheat? I don't get it... 

Anyway, cheating means you're banned and you won't be unbanned.


Now I know what you mean with a "Flood Mod", atleast I think so...

Let me do some research first, hang on


I think you were were using THIS mod, didn't you?

Topic unlocked.
Thanks for unlocking.

I was!

I did it because I saw someone who used it on youtube on SA-MP and I thought I would be able to use it without getting banned.  8)7
Well, I have good news for you.

We (The Management) decided to give you the benefit of the doubt, and we trust you that you will never install any kind of hack/mod again, cos' next time you won't be this lucky ;)

You're banned for a couple of days now, so we decided to remove your ban on September 15th 2007.

We hope to see you back on LVP, have fun.