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Actual Owner thank you ! of Menace2Society [ M2S]
What is this, I don't even...
Epic posts (':
Yeeah, right.
(01-23-2011, 08:58 AM)Mark link Wrote:What is this, I don't even...
Maybe you made [M2S] in 2006, but the clan died and a lot of people probably didn't even know about it, and some other guys made it again perhaps. However, what you are trying to say is that someone made a clan out of your name? like let's say my name is bloodster the clan will be [BS]?

Anyhow, it may be annoying and all, but I don't see why you would care that much...they aren't even that active on LVP well actually I've never even seen them on LVP. Maybe if you made a proper complaint, in the complaint section and giving details and all, it might help you get what you want.
Why is this even still open, guess I forgot to lock.