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I'm a chick so it doesn't really work that way.

What's the stupidest thing you've ever said?
(12-13-2012, 07:20 PM)Silent_Bob link Wrote: I'm a chick so it doesn't really work that way.

What's the stupidest thing you've ever said?
The stupidest thing I have said is when I went to the local swimming pool with friends and I can't swim very well and they wanted me to goto deep end and started to drag me and I am not a big fan of swimming I just like to sit in and relax I screamed NOOOOO I CAN'T BREATHE UNDERWATER!!!!! and we all laughed  _O-

If you died tomorrow would you regret anything in the life you have lived?
Not anything magnificent that I can think of. Maybe a few smaller things, but nothing too serious  :)

If you had one of those memory erase sticks from Men in Black, what would you make others forget about you. (a.k.a do you want people to forget something about you?)
I LOVE TO ERASE MEMORY FROM A GENIE SO THAT I WILL GET MORE WISHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Which was the first time you broke a rule in LVP? ( I know u did it :))
(12-14-2012, 05:52 PM)Aiman link Wrote: I LOVE TO ERASE MEMORY FROM A GENIE SO THAT I WILL GET MORE WISHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Which was the first time you broke a rule in LVP? ( I know u did it :))
Back in 2007 I flamed and got muted for it  :roll:

How many times have you been banned on LVP?
2, the money hacks thingy. But it was a bug so no problem..... other than that - 0 :)

What was the dumbest thing u ever saw on youtube??????
Zai corp ftw :)

Roast chicken or Fried chicken?
fried!!!!!!  :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~ :9~

what is ur first reaction when u see this?

Kid Saying Fire Truck

kid knows how its done

had any lately?

if you had one wish,What would it be?