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Testing out BlackOps
(12-09-2010, 10:22 AM)xBlueXFoxx link Wrote: SAMP has a FPS limiter that limits the FPS to 25, but that's not Vsync, that's just an annoying feature for people who want a less jumpy gameplay. Meant for the older computer otherwise.
........never mentioned the frame limiter, said i had to turn vsync off, with it on the loading screen for samp takes much longer time for example and i get less fps ig..
(12-09-2010, 10:26 AM)Fat Cobra link Wrote: ........never mentioned the frame limiter, said i had to turn vsync off, with it on the loading screen for samp takes much longer time for example and i get less fps ig..

Oh you're referring to your graphic card Vsync, the reason it's causing the loading screen to take longer is well... It's literally trying to override the application and force Vsync which GTASA's engine does not tolerate very well, force Vsync and force AA are pretty useless features for most game engines. Although GTASA does support texture filtering.
actually every game i'm playing atm with a vsync option is turned off, and never had any problems with the textures being bugged, fucked or however u say it so i prefer playing without vsync since it reduces ur fps

thx for the help bluefox :D i'll ask amd forums
(12-09-2010, 02:12 PM)MaZ link Wrote: actually every game i'm playing atm with a vsync option is turned off, and never had any problems with the textures being bugged, fucked or however u say it so i prefer playing without vsync since it reduces ur fps

It's not a texture bug, it's just a monitors refresh rate not being able to keep up, you are guaranteed to be having this problem, but just not noticing it, it only happens while your player is in motion, not standing still.
(12-09-2010, 03:15 PM)xBlueXFoxx link Wrote: It's not a texture bug, it's just a monitors refresh rate not being able to keep up, you are guaranteed to be having this problem, but just not noticing it, it only happens while your player is in motion, not standing still.
sameĀ  effect, if i dont notice it then i dont care that it's there -> more FPS for same gameplay without noticing the fucked stuff xD
VSync is fine for most games but not for Call of Duty. You will need that steady 125/250 FPS otherwise you will get raped. For example - a guy with 60FPS going against a guy with 125FPS (they both use the same gun and have same level in skill). Its obvious the guy with 125FPS will win because his gun will shoot faster and has less recoil.

In cod4, higher frame rate even made you jump higher.
It's quite simple to be honest:

Vsync is more stable and indeed locks the fps on your monitor's refresh rate (probably 60 for most of you guys). Without Vsync however, the gameplay definitely improves on games like the Call of Duty's. It's way more satisfying to be able to play at a steady 125 fps than at a jumpy fps (a problem which still occurs in Black Ops, at the moment) or a steady 60 fps. What DowJones says is a fact too. Just play on 60 fps, then crank it up to 125, then 250, and if your system can handle it, 333. Playing on 125/250 is very satisfying, but using 333 is even better. This is without a doubt the best possible fps limit on a game like Cod4. I've tried going all the way to 500, but then it just made my jumping worse. I didn't even get as high as I did on 125.

To put it in the way I like it: Play singleplayer with Vsync. Play multiplayer without.