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B&A - Bassie & Adriaan! You've been cl0wned.
Yeah, someone told me Jimmy was leaving B&A. Said BA were to strict and he was going to DFL

Dis true?
yea i heard the same i think i heard it from Matthias when they where talking ingame
and he also didnt gave a shit about beeing kicked he would simply join DFL
lol, strict :')

Haven't heard about it. Maybe @ B&A forum, checking in a min.
For the record, I didnd't start this rumour I heard it from somebody else. Jimmy told me once he was thinking of leaving B&A because he have had some problems with some members (me not included)...
TBH, i don't think he will leave B&A. He was telling me how he suddenly thought everyone in BA hated him. Which he told me he got from you, Matthias.
But i'm not entirely sure about this whole story so i'm going to stay out of it, but Jimmy is a cool guy imo.
Wow many things can happen in a month , I dont know any thing about it .. If its true or not , I hope JimmyBeast will stay in B&A .

Same Agent. Dont know what this DFL shit is about though...
He doesn't want to join DFL, all fake. He even doesn't know were everyone got this from.
Nice that you post for him
He don't use LVP forums, gf.