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B&A - Bassie & Adriaan! You've been cl0wned.
Kaine has been promoted to a full B&A member - congratulations! O+
well good luck sammo il hope you get more respect now  _O-
CGratz Kaine  :o
gratzz kaine ;}
Alright, important announcement to make.

For a long time, B&A has been on the decline in terms of activity. This has been due to lack of interest in SA-MP from the old members, and then with LVP turning official finding the right clowny sort was a hard thing to do. Clans took over, and lots of our members joined them, which turned their time and interest from B&A to their clan.

So, earlier this week me and Salvo were appointed as co-leaders in order to tackle these issues, and get B&A away from the edge of the cliff, and away from its death. We are pleased to inform you, that from this moment on, B&A will now become the B&A clan.

What does this mean? Well, this unites us on all servers, and allows for recruiting to take place outside of the LVP server. More members means a spur of new life, which is something we're in need of. We will be taking the [BA] tag, as we wanted to keep the unique "B&A" name to us instead of just being "the clowns".

Some members are already in clans, and we have asked them to leave. Kaine, Overdosed and Arno have left their respective clans, but [ BB ]FiRe decided it was it time to leave B&A, and continues with his other clan. We wish him good luck!

B&A & LVP? Well for a while we've been a little less active on LVP, due to lack of interest. This situation will most likely not change, however we still consider LVP our home amongst a few.

Constructive criticism is allowed, but this is a good thing for B&A.

We will soon be posting up topics about us on the official SA-MP forums, and open up opportunities to join us.

Long live B&A!
I think thats a great idea, good luck B&A  O+
GL  ;)
But what's up with this?
HostName: [BA]Team Death Match Gun Grub [BETA]
Players:  1 / 16
Ping:    219
Mode:    Guru's Team Death Match
Map:      San Andreas
Good luck guys. I hope the change will work out for you all.
Good luck B&A :)
Self if i think it isnt a good idea  :o