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Support for Fat Cobra's efforts.
Fat Cobra deservesĀ  support from elite LVP player ([DBMasta]ClashTime], for :

- Being good fighter if not the best ATM in LVP
- Always fun fighting with him, because he doesnt lame like majority of LVP players and not crying when he gets killed.
- Having his hard attidude and always fighting for his rights.
-Not playing 24/7, because he has life.
- Not being asslicker or minimodder.
-Loved by LVP community.
-Not trying to become admin.
- Being alone in fighting against wrong choices by LVP management.
- Being generally cool guy and accepted.

Wezzy doesnt get my support for:

-Shit fighter if not the worst ATM in LVP.
-No fun fighting with him, because he lames like majority of LVP players and cries when he gets killed.
- Having someones hard dick in his mouth and always fighting for more dick.
- Playing 24/7 because he has no life.
- Heavy dick muncher and loves minimodders dick.
- Totally not loved by LVP , coz he is faggot, and community is homophobic.
- Would sell his parents for admin spot, so he can use commands for revenge on players who have longer dick than him.
- Sucking to LVP management, for admin spot.
- Being general Borat, and fat reject.

Unban Fat Cobra, or die tryin'.

Oh yea i spelled Wezzy's name wrong, coz i dont respect him.
Hahahaha,this topic deserves sticky or somethin :o (Im not standing on anyone side,its just so funny :D )
So hardcore.
Lol clashtime another topic of his can go to archiveĀ  8)
[Image: tumblr_kyby7pa0J81qzxzwwo1_500.gif]