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The legend of dappamikey
I know, i have been slack, its just easier to turn on Xbox these days (LiveID: NjCrothers) but i have decided to make Wednesday evenings my LVP time, i will try and play an hour or so in LVP in the hope that others will see me ingame and join. Try to remember Wednesday, check LVP. I miss playing with all of you, seems so long ago now... Hope we can revive this long enough to catch up, maybe share our exploration of new platforms and games, re-link in those.
Btw, db looks super cool on an Xbox clan tagĀ  :7

Oh, PSN name is cluelessalso, but i don't really play PS3, always kicks me from games, very frustrating.

Get involved lads.

Peace and violence.
my psn is dappamikey

currently playing fifa11, RDR and tekken 6 (also gt5 but multiplayer sucks in tht).
Wow NJ you were really right about not being active on PS3, i added you when you posted that but I kinda gave up hope 3 months later haha.
lol i guess everyone left LVP . hey guys let s be back somewhere :P
i'm still aliveĀ  :>