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[CS] Drive by
I think there should be a rule against people who use drive by's on others. I know you get a menu if someone kills you that way, but a lot of players use drive by to get your health back to about 10% and then shoot you with sawnoff's. It's a very easy and lame kill and in my opinion a player who kills someone else that wat should be punished by jail/kick/ban.
Anyone? Maybe what Fuse said can be combined with this?
Sorry, seems like I missed this topic.

Hmm, well, I agree that we should stop it, but I'm not sure we can detect that properly, I'll think on how we could do it & come back to you, but I don't think it's possible to properly do that.
Maybe it's not needed to script it, but just a rule against it like shiplaming. So crew can jail/kick people who do it.
Then you need estroe/Sander :P. They'll hopefully reply soonish
Oke thanks :)

How about that?