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Call of Duty 7 / Black Ops
So who else thinks the latest patch absolutely sucks?
(03-25-2011, 08:48 PM)Maka link Wrote: So who else thinks the latest patch absolutely sucks?
I do.
I haven't played it yet, but what makes it suck?
(03-25-2011, 10:17 PM)Lithirm link Wrote: I haven't played it yet, but what makes it suck?
if you zoom in holding your breath with a sniper(L96smth) it still sways for a sec + i got a damn hitmarker with a knife -.-
Yeah. This game's patches don't seem to improve shit. It was supposed to fix the sniping on the consoles, or so I've read. When we look at our newest patch on pc though, from the moment you zoom in and hold your breath, it still seems to be swaying for a good second before turning to its centre. This is quite annoying, especially because a lot of snipers in this game are fast shooting. Let's just assume there is this guy in front of you, but he notices you at the same time. A considerably good sniper would be able to take him out by just zooming and taking the shot, before the other guy gets a chance to finish him off. That sway simply blocks it, making you miss the shot, or at least for over 50%. The second problem would be someone waiting for it to centre, but gets taken out just as it does.

They also seem to have added more useless crap, like for example when you want to retrieve your claymore, it now shows the action text and a stupid icon of the claymore.

Shouldn't people concentrate on gameplay more often instead of lousy graphics? I could care less if the graphics weren't that amazing up to date. I mean c'mon, have a look at Black Ops' graphics and compare them to Cod4. Do they look that much better? Not at all. Do they eat way more fps somehow? Oh yes they did.
The snipe-scope thing sucks, but I couldn't see any other effect of the update yet.
This awesome update reset my rank! Great, from prestige 7 level 46 back to prestige 0 level 1. This happend right after I've downloaded the new DLC + update :O.
(03-26-2011, 11:50 AM)Matthias link Wrote: This awesome update reset my rank! Great, from prestige 7 level 46 back to prestige 0 level 1. This happend right after I've downloaded the new DLC + update :O.

What the fuck? I would be major pissed off having spent all those hours ranking up and just losing them cos of yet another useless update.
(03-26-2011, 12:22 PM)Maka link Wrote: What the fuck? I would be major pissed off having spent all those hours ranking up and just losing them cos of yet another useless update.
I am, believe me. I contacted support but their solution didn't do anything, haven't gotten a reply in 10 hours now.
I tried sniping today for the first time since the update and the delay from you're starting to hold your breath until you actually get the scope to be still sucks so bad. It was impossible to hit anything.

I've also noticed that you have to download game stats or whatever it is sometimes when you start a round, nothing I had before the latest update.