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Indeed. It's a bit buggy right now, so please bear with us!
Is the server running Bukkit? There's no mention of a new version on their website.
It is running bukkit, there was a release, it' just not a recommended build yet because they are waiting to see if Notch releases anymore bug fixes today. We are just having compatibility issues with one of the major plugins, so as soon as that is resolved the server will be back in order!
anyone unable to login to minecraft.net to play minecraft?

scratch that, seems to be working now.
Their servers have been unstable also today, I suppose lots of traffic :D

Note: I just reverted the server to 1.6.6 because the new 1.7_01 release is very buggy. Notch said he will be releasing 1.7.2 tomorrow, so hopefully we can fix it up then. Thank you for your continued patience.


I do apologize for the delay in updating LVM to 1.7, but yesterday I decided to wait until today when 1.7.2 was released. Anyway, we are now on 1.7.2, go ahead and update your clients! See you in-game!