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[GM]SaAdmin Script
[GM]SaAdmin Script +Basic Commands

1) Features
Managments, Administrators and Moderators can chat with '@'  and can use
Submission key for adding nitrous + fixation of vehicles.Random Messages on
every 3 minutes.Admin Area with special vehicles for only crew members.

2) Levels
Level 0 = Simple Player.
Level 1 = Temp  Moderator.
Level 2 = Perm  Moderator.
Level 3 = Temp Administrator.
Level 4 = Perm Administrator.
Level 5 = Managment.

3) Anti  Health & Weapon Cheat
It automatically kicks the player who cheated , you can change kick to ban .
It doesnt kicks the player which weapon will given to him/her by a crew member.The same thing with health.

4)Jail System
If a crew member jails a player , So he will be jailed for 2 minutes and after that he will be
automatically unjail.Commands will be disable in jail .A player cant move in jail.

5)Player Commands.
/register, /login, /me, /fc [1-9], /kill, /fightstyle, /givecash, /nos [2,5,10],
/fpslimit, /setskin, /report, /ramping, /pm, /tune [1/2/3], /cd, /music [1-6],
/stopmusic, /dive, /cardive, /tp, /ctp, /lock, /unlock, /world [0-20], /admins, /mods

Crew Member Commands
6)Moderator Commands (level 1/2.)
/jail, /unjail, /ban, /unban, /kick, /announce, /chatannounce, /heal,
/akill, /playermoney, /goto, /vr, /flip, /v

7)Administrator Commands(level 3/4)
/rw, /ww, /god, /ungod, /setweather, /freeze, /unfreeze, /savepos, /gotopos,
/spworld, /clearchat, /spec, /specoff, /specvehicle, /mute, /unmute/rpvehicle,
/nuke, /settime, /fetch, /openagate, /closeagate

8)Managment Commands (level 5)
/freezeall, /unfreezeall, /giveweapon, /kickall, /muteall, /unmuteall, /fakemessage,
/fakedeath, /dvehicle, /myworld, /dooropen, /setgravity

9)Rcon Commands
/mmanagment, /makeadmin, /setadmin, /makemod, /setmod, /demotecrewmember
You can also give crew member rights to a player through scriptfiles.

Old version :

[b]New Version 

[Image: M9CD.jpg]

Death_Itself(Saif) Main Scriptor
Ray (Beta Tester)
I kinda doubt you have the permission of this Ray fella to spread his stuff, but meh, script looks helpful
(01-08-2010, 05:07 PM)Hitman link Wrote: I kinda doubt you have the permission of this Ray fella to spread his stuff, but meh, script looks helpful
(01-08-2010, 05:07 PM)Hitman link Wrote: I kinda doubt you have the permission of this Ray fella to spread his stuff, but meh, script looks helpful
he is only Beta Tester and the server is scripted by me ! .Read the credits now http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=1...#msg868208
Ray did not make this, Death_itself has become a pretty good scripter, he did it.

I must say: awesome job, you've come a far way, it's great to see a release like this :).
(01-08-2010, 05:47 PM)Matthias link Wrote: Ray did not make this, Death_itself has become a pretty good scripter, he did it.

I must say: awesome job, you've come a far way, it's great to see a release like this :).
GJ then ;)  *O* *O* *O*
Nice first release, Death_Itself. :+
Seems pretty bugged and inefficient in places (after a quick look), for example .. why did you do /world [1-20] by making a command for each world .. that's 20 commands when you really only need one :D .. but, good effort. Maybe some more training will be good.