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The save handler
The save handler,

Well, it happened before, but today I realised what it could be.
Let me explain.
Today I entered the server for the first time of the day.
And when I logged In the server said that because I recently disconnected my stats were saved and the game has automaticly been reloaded.

But the weird part is, that I wasn't recently disconnected.
What I think is that someone else got disconnected or /quit and that when I logged in I got the ID number of someone who just left or just connected.

I don't know if it happened to someone else before but it happened to me several times.
One time I actually recieved someone's spamweapons.
Free guns ^^

Also, the save handler doesn't work fully for me.
When I crashed one time I only got 1 times the ammo of my spawnweapons back.

I hope I were of help to you.


Dafydd Wouters
I'd just like to add that I've never been given my spawn-weapons back after a timeout, but while I'm typing this I think I've just realised why. Is it because my IP changes? :+
I always get the "you have recently disconnected" message, regardless of anything. Never get my weapons, though.  :roll:
We en counted a few issues which were not found during testing. Will be fixed for 2.90.1.