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Getting drunk / HUD disappearing
My HUD went away when I got drunk, then it wouldn't come back after the gmx. I was sober after the reset, but my HUD was still gone. I tried turning it on in display options, but the game kept changing it back. :< Very annoying.

(Would also be nice to have text telling you how to stop drinking. Took me a while to figure it out. XD)
Well, the new drunk effect (screen moving, etc.) is hard coded into SA:MP itself, so this sounds like a SA:MP bug to me, probably best if you report it here with as much detail as possible.  :>
Yeah, I'll try and set the drunk level to zero before gmxing, thanks.

Regarding the second issue, you sober up naturally over time and when you buy a drink you can see clearly at the end the sober up option, not needed imo.

Locked, thanks for the report.