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I do realise that this topic is over a year old- but in times such as these, I feel compelled to bump it.
I recommend everyone read it!
Indeed, but I dont always watch the ping, I start watching the ping when they lag really bad, but I know people (Exquiza :) ) who have ping around 50 and they lag like hell.

Jesus Christ. Any need in the bump, really?
Well I could've bumped this thread, or I could've created a new one outlining the exact same points.
This way was faster and more "economical."
People who whine about the ping are just retarded and should chew a cable or something instead of finding stupid reasons why they can't place their aim few more centimeters to left or right.

Your best friend,
(08-29-2008, 01:24 PM)HoogerBooger link Wrote: People who whine about the ping are just retarded and should chew a cable or something instead of finding stupid reasons why they can't place their aim few more centimeters to left or right.

Your best friend,
When someone has a ping of 1000+ you don't aim a few more centimeters to the right. Since they usually warp from mile to mile
(08-29-2008, 02:23 PM)Darius link Wrote: When someone has a ping of 1000+ you don't aim a few more centimeters to the right. Since they usually warp from mile to mile

Well yes, that's for sure, but I meant people with ping around 200-400 which is not a big deal really.

Your best friend,
nice to see this topic keep goin! mosteel is my country mate and we have the same ping...so i guess everyone whos whining about ping better read this
the funniest thing is that ppl that complaint about ping (mostly sK and some BB) are warpers what's worse  _O- _O-
Yes, a few of the whiners have actually had a high ping in their past (DMX/ZaMboR, Tom, karizma) and after they actually buy a decent internet connection, have the cheek to flame us about it- those of us who could spend $5000 a month on internet and have the same ping.
A large number of them also fps lag and have jumpy pings... yet we get all the crap. Heck, those guys I fought back in the day when they had high pings, and beat them with half my armour left- thats what its all about.
You'll see this crap about "you'd be easy with a lower ping"- well I think its pretty much been proven that we'd be harder.

I've had numerous people tell me "fight on Aussie server and you'll be easy"- so I went over there and ended up winning just as easily as I did on LVP. They think reversing the pings will make them magically a better fighter, when in all honesty it limits potential.