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Locked in ban appeal so posting here...
Yeah, I killed you four times. I don't dream when I play like you dream when you leave a reply in this ban appeal.
And yeah I had two behind me, you and the other guy. And why would I go to BA server? Aw jeez, look your attitude! I'm not playing against someone with a crappy attitude like that.


My text

U should go on BA server cuz u r a lieing nerd and u cant never beat me so ur talking just some stories what aint trues...So if u want to go on BA server and do a duel to 5 vs me... OK but if u dont (what i know that u wont do) anyway who cares cuz everyone knwos that im better then u and u suck for me and u r a noob for me and etc.......
#care ;)
(07-22-2009, 10:34 AM)Mark link Wrote: #care ;)
lal its a game relax
oh shit maka, u got raped  :r

i havent seen you get owned that hard since Grove made you his bitch back in CT.
(07-22-2009, 11:18 AM)Hector link Wrote: oh shit maka, u got raped  :r
i havent seen you get owned that hard since Grove made you his bitch back in CT.


Bladex, do you think I give a damn or something? Shiiiit I don't give a fuck if someone's better than me on a crappy game like this dude.
The only "lying nerd" I see in here is you, since you're lying your ass off about getting killed a few times by me last night. Oh jeez man, there were other people around too. I can't never beat you? Pretty odd since I did it last night then hm. And if my story isn't true, then why are you flipping out on me everytime I did kill you last night? I even remember you saying something after I killed you for the first time probably, whereas I replied showing a song by Run DMC, being "You talk too much," which trust me, you do. You flame someone whenever you get killed. If you're SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE YOU SAY YOU ARE, then why are you flaming? Rage much? And no one knows how you are "better than me", infact I've never even heard of you in my time of playing on SA:MP.

By the way,

Quote:So if u want to go on BA server and do a duel to 5 vs me... OK but if u dont (what i know that u wont do) anyway who cares cuz everyone knwos that im better then u and u suck for me and u r a noob for me and etc.......

Give it a rest son, because I'm saying it now: I could care less if you kill me on a game. I'm done playing this game serious since like one and a half year ago already, so you're a bit late. Wonder why I replied here? Because I seem to like to piss you off. Infact, it's giving me a good laugh at the moment. xD

Cya on LVP.

Oh btw, I won't bother replying with any more stuff. You're not good enough to waste my time on.
since when did sa-mp turn real.....?  :? o.O
(07-22-2009, 11:31 AM)Maka link Wrote: xD

Bladex, do you think I give a damn or something? Shiiiit I don't give a fuck if someone's better than me on a crappy game like this dude.
The only "lying nerd" I see in here is you, since you're lying your ass off about getting killed a few times by me last night. Oh jeez man, there were other people around too. I can't never beat you? Pretty odd since I did it last night then hm. And if my story isn't true, then why are you flipping out on me everytime I did kill you last night? I even remember you saying something after I killed you for the first time probably, whereas I replied showing a song by Run DMC, being "You talk too much," which trust me, you do. You flame someone whenever you get killed. If you're SO FUCKING GOOD LIKE YOU SAY YOU ARE, then why are you flaming? Rage much? And no one knows how you are "better than me", infact I've never even heard of you in my time of playing on SA:MP.

By the way,

Give it a rest son, because I'm saying it now: I could care less if you kill me on a game. I'm done playing this game serious since like one and a half year ago already, so you're a bit late. Wonder why I replied here? Because I seem to like the fact to piss you off. Infact, it's giving me a good laugh at the moment. xD

Cya on LVP.

Oh btw, I won't bother replying with any more stuff. You're not good enough to waste my time on.
Pff.. Just stfu and delete this topic i dont fucking care about u so .......
If you don't care, why make a post here?

Take it to PM or something.