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Phase 3.
Ok, we've been a bit "inactive" over the last 2 days, growing are crops and such, With the success of [B&A]'s downfall and [BB]'s slowly but surely decaying, who do you guys want to go after next? I propose [S2K] as shen is in them, as he's thinking about leaving or something he can be are spy.
No point, only 3 of us, so, yeah. We should attack, HC4L
lets go for MOB
no, HC4L are the best
Yes HC4L.
Suggestions to take them down?
We gotta two leaders hate each other. Shoebox (Where he lives) and Bomberteo (He has a ginger beard  :o)
Shoebox and Terror = Permbanned, GF.
So its a matter of getting the gang noobs, eg Nater and Frizzera them 2.
noobs not fucking hc4l

So we need to what? Get them all banned? If we got rid of bomberteo, the rest would die.
our suggest next target to be uL.