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Impersonators should be banned.
Whats the rule on people who impersonate people in order to cheat etc. to make that person look bad?
Apparently there was some '[BA]darius' (his other nick is KuTuP or something) on using no-reload or something. And he also got banned, but then later unbanned. I think he should be banned for the impersonating, not just the no-reload.
Also, could somebody fill me in what happened? I'm just going off what Dynamo+Darkfire told me.
Hello Darius,

Indeed there was somebody named [BA]darius (no capital D) playing on the server. I banned him for using no-reload. I was a little confused because there was also a cheater shoot RPG like a M4 (fun to see but a bit anoying on a crowded server).
When I saw it was you I immediately unbanned "you" because I knew something wasn't right here.
I joined the B&A channel and talked with some ppl overthere, then we found out it was somebody else and not you, so I re-banned him and he will remain banned. Maybe when he opens a ban appeal I will give him a second change but until that he will be banned.


Hey, would you able to give me his/her i.p so I'm  able to see if there are any matches (people who have joined BA servers)
Or maybe you've already done that, and could tell me what other names the person has/does played under?
We are not giving out IP-addresses. I checked his IP on LVP and he used 2 nicks on LVP, both nicks are not registered.

His IP is banned on LVP so no worries there anymore.
