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Money lose
When the restart was i just came online with all my money and i lost it i don't now why bud i lost ALL my money 400 milion!
What do i got to do now ?
Please help me or give my money back
Thats life. Generally before a restart administrators will warn players to head for the nearest bank to deposit their money, hence it saving. In cases there are no warnings and it just restarts are likely to be crashes. All we can say is bank on a more regular basis.

However, if the money out of your bank is lost, then it is likely to either be a bug, or you haven't registered. Are all your stats including bank money in place as normal?
No it wasn't normal now it is normal again 8) bud my money ??? :'( I don't now where it is goneĀ  :'( :'( :'( And yes i am registered and played almost 200 hours and have 20 pluspoints and won araund the 130 mini games so i am not laying to you really ;(
I have same problem. I lost my all stats and money, my proaccount doesn't work :(

have the same prob long time ago,but my money 400m goes to 100m but anyway i jst read /help 2 over and over...
Ye exactly :) ... so can somebody fix my stats and money? Because i have all like a newbie :(
lvp was on a bug yesterday at around 6-7(gmt+5.30) o'clock....and the game couldnt load your data and all but its repaired now and youll get all your money now.........
you can close this thread now