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[Unbanned][V]Hitman Banned
Nickname: [V]Hitman
Date of the ban: 2008-10-05 18:05
Suspected Reason: weapons indoor
Your IP address:

Extra notes: Ehm, I dont know why Im banned, weapons indoor? what does that mean? I cant not even take out my weapons inside a store.
I got a picture of it when it happend.. but I dont know how do put it on the forums.
I appeal now becuse I havent been able to get inside this site (forum.sa-mp.nl)
i've banned Tow people ate the same minute for an in-door weapon , the other one has a friend tried to complain on the IRC i asked him for his proofs which nothing seen so far but fortunally i do take screens for every ban i do and here the screen of yours , this was NOT a bug aswell you got reported for an in-door weapons unless you have an explenation for this weapons in your hand fighting people inside the bank.

[Image: proof1bk3.jpg]

Note: adding a picture on the forums isnt a hard thing , upload your screenies on any upload website example. www.imageshack.us .
WHAT?  I went inside 24/7 to alt+tab to check sometings and when I got back I was banned, not for paused I was BANNED for weapons indoor...
it must be a bug or someting becuse I dont know how that´s possible..

(first time I  do this: http://img403.imageshack.us/slideshow/pl...40yy4.smil )
hello there :)

after looking into your proofs i believe you were a victim of a cheater who allowed the weapons indoor. and there was another person with weapons indoor fighting so i banned him and i seen the weapons with you aswell so i took a ban decition on you but seems to me now you are clear and sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for being patient . so final deiciton is Unbanned and have fun playing on last Venturas playground .

<%chevy> !unban
<+Nuwani> * The IP address ([V]Hitman) has been unbanned.

and you can register and save your Data and money visit this page :

Have fun :)
thank you very much :)