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Not going anywhere yet
Hey just wanted to check-in.. Yes am still in BA i was gone cause of skool and work and etc.. now i got more time so am gonna play more and hope to see u on the streets! Am just kinda rusty after 3 months of inactivity  :(  :w Time to pwn some noobz  :Y)

Achtung! We don't use this crap anymore D:
forum.cl0wned.net  ;)
Kinda late arent you ?? :P

And, Why nooooowt ?

Ow and an announcement from me:

Hello fellow cl0wnies....

My computer is deaaaaad.......duno how to fix dont care tbh.....playing GW now for a long time,MSN and going outside and shit so kinda inactive ;)

Ow and I fergot the pass on the other forum (A)