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Would You Rather...
(08-14-2008, 07:00 AM)Cave link Wrote: And please, don't go too extreme.

anyways, bleach shower :))

got this one from south park;

Would you rather sleep with your mother to save your father or sleep with your son to save him (something like that)
I dun get it.

Would you rather be let in B&A co-leader in exchange for all your cash? (You are left with 5 mil for 3 months, then back to normal) or join King Issa in his feast and get 3000 bils
join KingIssa's Feast,

would you rather download a movie and get caught, or steal a movie from a movie store and get caught.
Steal a movie from the store. (not as great of a punishment.)

Would you rather slide down a 50 foot razor blade into a tub of alcohol, or suck all the snot out of a dog's nose?
Razor blade. Mmmmmmmm alcohol!

Oh and I don't know about America, but nobody gives a shit about downloading movies.
I can call 000 (Australia's emergency number, similar to America's 911) or go to a Police Station and report myself for downloading games and movies and they'll laugh and tell me to stop wasting their time.
Shoplifting, however, is punished slightly worse, with a store-ban or whatever (depending on the cost of the item).

Would you rather smell daiseys or roses?
fuckin daisies

shove 5 used tampons in ur mouth or 5 used condoms in ur mouth?
5 used Tampons :p

Would you rather eat off milk (which is starting to curdle) or a live fish.
eat off milk

would you rather make love to a horse or a cow
cow, a horse would kick you from behind. and cow = more cushion for the pushin YEEEA

would u rather get your dick snapped off by a snapping turtle or your balls snipped off with scissors at the top of the scrotum.
Snapped of by turtle..

Would you rather dropkick your mom or dropkick your dad?