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ColdThugZ training Beta 2.0!
[move][b] :D lol mak :D :w 2morrow[/move]

lol mak, another great quit message! :D :w
hehe [move]ColdThugZ own tha shit! :D[/move]
FFS I just typed LOADS And my pc went off!!!!!!!! Better start again!

Ok, My internet is still off, I am in school!

Just gotta say thanks for the nice comments on the video! To be honest I think it sucked compared to the new one I am working on!

(And btw wazza I started again! The music to it did get a bit boring.....)

I have updated the server Loads!!! Even more commands! Especcially the teleporting commands! There is at least 30 new places to teleport to throughout Sanandreas!

I also noticed you guys Liked "Chilling in the thugz mansion and telling jokes" So There are new commands to the mansion, and each thug has the choice of his own room! The room can be personalized with pickups weapons and cash! You can also choose your own spawn car to be parked outside the mansion!

Cash will be used a lot more in the server now! Including Properties, banks and spawn weapons! (Although I havn't been able to do this yet because I have had no internet dont no how to add banks yet!)

It also costs money to teleport to these places!

Modding aswell couldn't be easier! Not only have I included commands to teleport to mod shops, But all the cars outside the mod shops that can be tuned there! (except trainsfenders off course)

There is a new command I am still working on, known as /training!

There are 4 new training courses! /driving /flying /boating and /shooting!
Each course has 5 different levels!



Level 1 warps you to a car in which you have to follow a course through checkpoints in a certain time limit! If you leave your car, destroy it or die, you fail level 1! Each thug that passes level 1 gets his own personal password in which he can use to access level 2!

etc etc!

Jay I Love u  8)7
Man this will rock! is it for 2.0 or the one now? I want my own room! i allready kinda have one but still  >:)
man this will rock so bad! i can't wait to play on it , jay when do u got internet? btw check the sa-mp0.2 topic from Killerbee, to see new members that need to be updated, i added some , could be that still some are missing.

anyway , let me now plz, and to all : lets give it up for Grove  :)

Btw : Remove the big fat dildoface Batyboybarry from the memberslist, the traitor left us, and is willing to join clowns! big fat noob autoaimer (which he is) , but , i had seti so i read Gchat yesterday, and i saw that barry said to cl0wns invite me, and such, and Tmuts said something from weird i don't think he is a clown , then i Pm'ed Tmuts, to make barry's chances even harder : Barry left CT cuz he wanted to 'freelance' , play on his own , but now he traited on us, and is willing to join B&A, so all the stuff i heard Was actually true, here is your info, and he ain't welcome back here, my word. just wanted to tell

Tmuts back: Hmm allright thnx m8 for that info, probably won't invite him, cya best CT member :)

so now barry hasn't much chance i think  >:)
[move]I got a new good fantastic game mouse!  :P[/move]

i'll check if i can come at CT server tonight though, but am still doing much schoolwork :/
cya later dude
[move][glow=red,2,300]grove! grove! grove! grove! grove! grove is the MAN[/glow] :D[/move]
[move]MOD MOD MOD mod mod mod mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOD MOD MOD mod omodd moddod mododddd modd!!!! !  !1 1 [/move]
Stats today: ColdThugz members online : 13 , including Fab1j0, an legend  :P
This was a great day, and Grove became mod , congratz jay i love ya  >:)
Some new updates are coming soon, Infact I am working on it as you read this!

- Properties (Dont no how to add them yet!)

- Better, Updated, Bug free admin script! (Working on it now!)

- Two races, Boat race, and Bike race! The bike race will be really big! Including Switch-overs in between (NRG to FCR) It will go around lots of Jumps aswell

- The /training to be completed, Including /driving /flying /shooting and /boating courses! (Need some ideas for a shooting course, any suggestions?) Also including levels, The Driving course will feature five levels, first one easiest, fifth one hardest!

Offcourse it will take me a while, So Expect a huge wait! (About 3 weeks)