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[idea] Skins related to Gangs
Hey guys, just had an Idea .
If for Example a B&A Member goes Ingame and chooses the Clown skin , he is able to type a password like !skinpw xyz
and then gets weapons,health etc. and spawns for example for the clowns at the Clownstation near the Sexshop with the chosen skin. For this, the gang has to pay 10% of it's reachment from owning the Gangbase to the Borrow system or what ever :) .
Is this possible? I hope so because I think this would be a nice thingĀ  :Y)

Feel free to post any other Ideas related to hisĀ  :D

best wishes
From the point of view of a non-gangrelated LVP'er, gangmembers will have way more advantage then other players (including the noobies). So the idea in this form will have a no from me, cant really think of a more appropriate form at the moment. The old system would be the best imo.
it would give an unfair advantage agasint other players

so this is a i dont like it :P for me too
i like the idea
even though im not in a gang, i can see why it would to be useful.
although i would hope that if it was put into LVP then gang members would not take advantage. (kill noobs etc.)

although i think the main problem would be the other way around.
say ColdThugZ members found out where the regular spawn place was for Clowns/oldiez.....
i see an ambush coming on 8)7
Im sure thqt they stopped scripting specific gangs into the gamemode because it was unfair and had lots of problems (Chicken gang and B&A).

that is a very good idea Turkey. (Helal olsun sana :D)