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Make your SA look similiar to IV (ENB SERIES)
About: Well this is a mod that changes the optics of San Andreas and Vice City. All you have to do is replace d3d9.dll and/or d3dx9_xx.dll (xx is your version, as it differs from driver to driver) and copy all files you downloaded to your San Andreas folder. This is compatible with MTA and  only SA-MP 0.2.2 R3.
Recommended: A good PC is recommended if you want everything in high details, I got 10 fps with the highest details. :P
But you can configurate all that in enbseries.ini.
Download: http://bin.sa-mp.nl/f/Unbenannt-1%5B2%5D.jpg
http://boris-vorontsov.narod.ru/download_en.htm (GTA San Andreas beta v0.075, bit down, not the first one!
[b]Official Screens
: http://boris-vorontsov.narod.ru/ss_gtasa01_en.htm

[Image: gta_sa%202008-06-22%2010-25-10-48.jpg]
[Image: gta_sa%202008-06-22%2010-27-16-01.jpg]
[Image: gta_sa%202008-06-22%2010-21-20-06.jpg]

Enjoy. :+

What exactly does this change? Pics does not really explain much.
It's changing the optics as I stated above. (better graphics)
holy peep that looks hot, good thing I might get my video card this evening :D

I'll check it out later :D

EDIT: meh, GTA won't start anymore, I'll try again tonight :+
I downloaded. Not sure how to install it. Need to create a backup first incase my computer cant handle it.
pics are bad better pics plx
Are they the acual gameplay pictures? if that is it err i'd say it's gone worse lolz
Yup it is, as I said, you can configurate everything yourself. (including the blur)
And it actually looks pretty neat imo. :+

Also updated the downloadlink, working better.

If you have a "d3dx9_25.dll" instead of a "d3d9.dll" in your SA folder, just rename the downloaded file to "d3dx9_25.dll" and replace it.

Quote:Download: http://boris-vorontsov.narod.ru/enbserie..._v0075.zip
(07-03-2008, 04:20 PM)Turkey link Wrote: [Image: gta_sa%202008-06-22%2010-25-10-48.jpg]
Nice looking, Turkey  O+
Is it not just the same, but blurry?  :D