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Make your SA look similiar to IV (ENB SERIES)
(07-03-2008, 05:35 PM)Turkey link Wrote: Yup it is, as I said, you can configurate everything yourself. (including the blur)
And it actually looks pretty neat imo. :+

Also updated the downloadlink, working better.

If you have a "d3dx9_25.dll" instead of a "d3d9.dll" in your SA folder, just rename the downloaded file to "d3dx9_25.dll" and replace it.
Read Ben :)
Er... download link is in Latin or sumin :X

edit: and I dont have a d3d thing in my Program Files\Rockstar games\San Andreas folder... :S
(07-04-2008, 01:01 PM)Whisper link Wrote: Er... download link is in Latin or sumin :X

edit: and I dont have a d3d thing in my Program Files\Rockstar games\San Andreas folder... :S

Quote:If you have a "d3dx9_25.dll" instead of a "d3d9.dll" in your SA folder, just rename the downloaded file to "d3dx9_25.dll" and replace it.
[Image: gtasa77.jpg]
this made me download it.
and this
[Image: gtasa03.jpg]
@estroe, I dont have EITHER of those.

edit; in my rockstar games\san andreas\MTA folder, I have d3dx9_30.dll
nvm i dont got d3d9.dll and the other one, fail mod?
I have _33 :X
I put it into my san andreas folder, and when I opened SA it said: Needs d3dx9_33.dll to run, so I named it to that, SA started, I do the default button press thingy to start it and nothing happens :O
i had _28 or something
(07-04-2008, 03:34 PM)Twilight link Wrote: I have _33 :X

(07-04-2008, 03:41 PM)Whisper link Wrote: I put it into my san andreas folder, and when I opened SA it said: Needs d3dx9_33.dll to run, so I named it to that, SA started, I do the default button press thingy to start it and nothing happens :O

Looks like the versions are different for everyone (driver etc.)

Delete all that d3d files from your SA (so it's clean)
go to http://boris-vorontsov.narod.ru/download_en.htm and get GTA San Andreas beta v0.075.
[Image: Unbenannt-1%5B2%5D.jpg]

then rename the downloaded d3d file to your version:

Twilight: d3dx9_33.dll
Whisper: d3dx9_33.dll
Greyfox: d3dx9_28.dll

then copy it all to your SA folder (everything you downloaded, including the textfiles! Sorry, I didn't know they were a must to copy at first)

If you don't have a backup of the standard d3d, I'll upload it for you.  ;)