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2vs2 Fight club tournament Sign up now !!
(04-06-2008, 08:33 PM)mjaa link Wrote: okey, plz tell me who we're gonna meet. 

When is deadline for fight nr2?

there are the ladders. Find your team from there and who u are fighting against. After that schelude the match with the opponents. And once again: schelude the matches in pms or at IRC or where ever but not in this thread. That's coz we don't want this thread to get spammed. And to recap the rules:
First it doesn't matter which server u fight match but just fight it. (if both teams can't agree on which server to play on the match will be played on LVP) We're hoping to fight the finals and semi-finals at LVP.
Weapons are sawnoff and tec9/uzi. 2 shot isn't allowed (2 shot is allowed if both teams agree on using it)
Rounds are first to 3 wins, so 3-5 rounds. (if both teams want to extend the match to 5 or 10 wins it's okay)
The place where u fight doesn't matter neither but if both teams can't agree on a place then it'll be the Gang Base's parking lot.
No cheating allowed ofcourse.

After u've finished the match post scores here like this:
Server the match was played on: (LVP)
To how many wins played: (3, 5, 10,...)
Teams: (team1-team2)
Score: (for example: 5-1)

And there isn't a deadline for fights number 2.

Messages In This Thread
Re: 2vs2 Fight club tournament Sign up now !! - by [W]IDmad - 04-06-2008, 09:09 PM