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OI! Cut the staff! Too many admins - fucks the development of the server!
(09-30-2016, 09:27 PM)jt78 Wrote: hello madlaggz

as i did say to you in chat we have guidlines thats say we need to kick a cheater first b4 we go to ban
if were back in game later you had seen that hacker got his ban 
and i had god mode on yes 
i was just driving and not in the dm i was not interupting your dming i was just watching from the side
i did ask you and your friend to let me and did ask nice not to shoot me as it had no point (i had god mode )
i did run your friend over after he kept on shooting me
and i did warn you to be a litel nicer in game
wen you kept on insulting me i gave you a kick
for the rest of your complaint i let it to a manager to respont to that

I'd rather await their response, you pointed out nicely why exactly having advantages over players are bad. The fact that you had godmode on created a conflict that made two players leave. That's a fact. When you're interacting with the surrounding community you should not use your commands; I believe they are meant as tools for administrative tasks and not as perks for your own enjoyment. Your constant interfering and laming by parking on NoiTroll fucked up his game, the fact that you handle your gametime so fucking poorly pissed me off - fair, kick me, that's nothing but an annoying inconvenience; that can make me shut up and whatever. It's not the kick, it's the you affecting the community and interacting in an abusive and overprivileged manor that pisses me off; not the kick. If you want to fuck with me, don't do it as an admin - do it as a player that's equal to me (Even though that might be hard, considering you suck).

I know I am a bad representative for this notion, but it's valid and if any of you administrators and managers and what not consider yourself professional and objective it is your duty to be worried about the low amount of players and stagnation of the server for years. You should be worried about the huge overrepresentation of players with unequal abilities that participates actively in the game. I know you're passionate players and 'pillarstones of the community' and you also want to have fun doing whatever you consider helpful for the community; but reconsider this. Can you justify your overextension of commands, the convenience of them, the superiority to other players by hiding behind a postulate that it is work? And that the work you're currently performing is a volunteer job you once gracefully accepted as a chance for you to better the community? As the state of the staff seems now in many many players eyes, the staff isn't administrators; they're just players with more commands than you. Why? Because they're not administrating; they're playing. That creates a skewed battlefield, and excuse my french but you're fucking cunts for caring so little about your player-base and community and only caring about your Playground.

You probably don't give a shit about this, so heres some more entertainment for you. You Slavic people out there know what I'm on about:

Messages In This Thread
RE: OI! Cut the staff! Too many admins - fucks the development of the server! - by Madlaggz - 09-30-2016, 09:51 PM