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Unban for 30 minutes
unban now? or wait 30 minutes
Wait 30 minutes 8)
(07-23-2009, 10:34 PM)Ryder link Wrote: Wait 30 minutes 8)
Unban time
Quote:<%Michael> You were banned 21.7.2009, around 21:56
<%Michael> That means your unban date would be 24.7.2009, around 21:56
<%Michael> It is 24.7.2009, around 1:22

Wait 20 hours 8)
loool... fail
(07-23-2009, 11:25 PM)Ryder link Wrote: Wait 20 hours 8)
That sux ffs u said its now
Quote:<HaZe> If i beat you, you're permanently banned?
<HaZe> those are the rules
<Bladex> ok ffs

Wait forever 8)
Perma ban because of a fight = timestampe'd ownage