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Webserver Downtime
Hello there,

As you might know, our webserver is having some difficulties at the moment.
Since saturday our forums, our site, and our Teamspeak server have been struck by downtime.
Saturday evening we moved our forums to another server, so that they could stay online.
However, the main site and the Teamspeak server couldn't be moved, so they are still offline. This means that registering your ingame account is not possible at the moment. We are working on this, and there should be a temporary register form online soon.
We hope to have all this sorted out in a few days, until then, the site, Teamspeak, bin.sa-mp.nl, and all other sa-mp.nl sites will be offline, except for the forums and the emergency-page on www.sa-mp.nl.
These problems do not affect anything ingame, so your ingame accounts will be safe.
We apologize for any inconvience.

On behalf of the LVP Management,

We have just put up a register page, where you can register your account.
The register page is located here.

FiXeR did it!

Messages In This Thread
Webserver Downtime - by Fireburn - 09-23-2008, 09:30 PM