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Introducing Aiman
Ingame name : [XRM]Aiman

Real name : Aiman

Country : India

Age : 12

Birthday : 24 of October

Gender : Male

Other games : Counter Strike, Call  of Duty, Half Life, GTA Series.

Playing SA-MP since : 2012

Playing LVP since : 2012

Introduction : I am just a kid who loves playing games and sports. I enjoy my life with gaming. Actually I am like 80% gaming daily. Its not because I don't have a life but because I have nothing else to do. Since I love gaming and want to live my life with the thrill, the experience, the fun of gaming, so I from that point on wards I wanted to become a Game Developer. Well other than gaming, I listen to music - rap, metal, rock, party and some love songs.....NOT JUSTIN BIEBER (God knows why people go crazy for him). I also listen to movies - horror, thriller, suspense and some which are really really good no matter which type of a movie it is. I like many other things in life and I wish to life the full of it !

And this is how I started LVP

I started playing SA-MP when I saw some pictures of San Andreas game played online. I started searching for it and downloaded it. I started LVP at the age of 12. LVP was my first server. I didn't knew what to do. So I just roamed around casually and then I saw Payne, I thought that all the players online are easy to kill like killing people on the normal game. So I went to him and boom ! I was killed ! The thing I learned from that was that I should never go near players, no matter how they look or named. Next thing was that, I went to Ryder, thought of ramming him with my car ! BOOM ! I was dead ! From this you can quite understand that I was not good at DM.
(still not)

I saw Homer and he was the one who introduced me to LVP ! He introduced me to all the players like Dragoon (God knows where he is know) Matrix etc, introduced me to all the props including secret props, introduced me to all the places and told me some cool commands (in short, he was the one who helped me out all the way).

I started liking LVP. But one day I lost it, couldn't find it in my favorites section. I panicked ! I started searching all the servers and I couldn't find it... I checked many servers like stunting servers, DM servers etc but I couldn't find it. I remember how I played it and its places but I didn't remember the name. Finally I found the same type of server, I spawned, walked around BOOM ! Ryder killed me ! And I was like - yup I found it ! I finally found it !

Then the days after went as same as the other, getting killed by Kaka, Payne, Ryder and other guys.... And one day kase or strike or matrix or was it homer who told me to register in sa-mp.nl,(who knows).... so I registered.  And my stats were saved, money banked and everything was good and smooth...

One day, there was a bug on my bank, even with 1 plus-points, i could bank 2 billion or more, so I made use to this and banked huge amount of money. One day when I was banking money, it gave me 50 million and it had balance as 20 million in bank. The bug was fixed :( ( I didn't know that using bugs was not allowed because I just joined the server, sorry).

After a couple of days, I made some new friends and one of them was Matt. He is master trickster. He made me leave because he told me that it would be cool if I type /q, he said that it is a cool command ( I fell for it TWICE ! ). The next thing is the way he made me out of the ship and interiors. He said that he will show me something cool if I went outside ( Fell for it like 7 times), Oh and if you are wondering how Matt has many kills then its me. I went TEF hunting with him and he would eventually kill me on the way..... -_-.....

Then I joined the XRM - Xtremely Rich Men. Its the mafia. It is cool, it focuses on money and turfs, than DM. The members in XRM were Homer, Coco , Aiman, Ricky, Xsw(temp.) and Vicky. It was an awesome gang. We all stood as a team against everything. We had many turfs and lots of money ! But one day a guy wanted to join our gang and begged and begged and begged. So we recruited him. Guess what..... HE STOLE OUR ENTIRE GANG MONEY ! ENTIRE I TELL YA ENTIRE ! our gang balance was $ 0 ! We grouped up and we made a plan to make money asap. Me and Ricky were the export guys, homer was the property guy..... We made like 10 mil or something and left and within 1 hour, HOMER MADE THE GANG BANK FULL ! impressive ey ? he is a pro money man ! Like making 2 billion in just 1 hour.... I would say that its excellent !

Many weeks after, I joined the forums. At first I didn't understand a thing , I was like wtf ? so I started to explore my way through the forums... And I got a hang of things on the forums..... Only after I read the topics did I truly understand the problems of LVP.... The Admins' impartiality.....The players' cheats....The players' wishes......Everything....

Well that's how I started and still continuing....

Bye !  :w

Messages In This Thread
Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 08-28-2012, 03:36 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 08-28-2012, 03:43 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by Tris - 08-28-2012, 03:43 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 08-28-2012, 03:45 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by Weezy - 08-29-2012, 09:19 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by IDmad - 08-29-2012, 09:32 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by Nater - 08-30-2012, 04:23 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 08-30-2012, 07:08 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 08-30-2012, 07:12 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by Nater - 08-30-2012, 07:38 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by Carbon - 08-30-2012, 07:42 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 08-30-2012, 10:25 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 08-30-2012, 10:26 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by eyaf - 09-01-2012, 02:22 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 09-01-2012, 03:36 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [SWK]Slide - 09-01-2012, 08:59 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by LasTRace - 09-01-2012, 11:12 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by Nater - 09-02-2012, 06:06 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 09-02-2012, 12:16 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by Nater - 09-03-2012, 04:48 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 09-03-2012, 01:25 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by Nater - 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by [XRM]Aiman - 09-04-2012, 01:11 PM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by Nater - 09-05-2012, 04:18 AM
Re: Introducing Aiman - by PigBenis2 - 02-20-2013, 10:22 AM