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How to unblock Firewall (it blocked my TV lol..)
hey , i instaled one thing so i can watch TV on my PC. Then i try to lounch , and only VLC media player pop up and nothing. I read the instructions , it says that firewall might block it , so i need to like let "portal" thro firewall , but how i do that ? when i turn of firewall then i can watch the TV from PC , but when i turn firewall on i cant watch tv..I loged to my firewall Log's , and there it showed alot of blocked things right that time when i instaled my TV on PC..:X How to unblock or let thro one portal thing thro firewall so it will not block it ?  W/e its blocked atm lol , how to unblock ?

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How to unblock Firewall (it blocked my TV lol..) - by Zezima - 07-16-2009, 07:23 PM