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Jail Bug.
What where you doing? Chillin' in jail

Where there other players which encountered the same problem? Um, there was one other guy in jail, but he left before this happened.

Could you reproduce the bug? I don't know.

Was it only once, or did it happen all the time?
Maybe isolated.

Did you try to reconnect first?


So i was in jail, and i saw a vehicle icon on the map ( a grey dot ) so i started to swim out a bit to see what it was. Then i decided i was neevr gonna reach it, so i checked the time i had left using a /me sdfsd " You cannot use commands as you have 0 minutes of jail left "

So i thought okay cool, back to the game. But then when it was going to respawn me, my game crashed.

Also, on an earlier incident, i was in jail and there was no island. The objects were there, but no actual island-land.

Messages In This Thread
Jail Bug. - by Jerome - 04-06-2009, 02:40 PM