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[Suggestion] The cost of using commands
I agree and disagree with you HoogerBooger.

Situation: Lets say someone is new in the server and starts with $2500 the first thing he wants to do is earning some money and after a while he notice the ship is the place to be for money. So he's going to the ship with a car / bike. But suddenly a RICH person tp or ctp to him! So he runs but that person has a fast car / bike so he's able to shoot his car down. Now he's standing in front of a person with spawnweapons, lots of money and the skills, the new one has a deagle no money and no skills so he gets owned. The rich person is having fun so he keeps tping or ctping to the poor one. When he needs to wait for teleporting (6 min.) or carteleporting (3min.) he uses the command: /whereis or /locate. And he's able to find the blib from the poor one and keeps shooting him down.

1) In this situation I think the taxi command should be the same for the poor one.
2) But it may be usefull to put the prizes of tping and ctping higher.

Your Friend,


Messages In This Thread
Re: [Suggestion] The cost of using commands - by [UW]GTA_Rules - 07-26-2008, 11:49 AM