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Post your IRC quotes!
Merged your posts s0mb0dy - please avoid double posting (use the modify button).

Also, can I point out, that I'd like translations for any Dutch IRC quotes that you post, as this is the English section of the forum, everyone speaking English has the right to understand.

Thankyou. _O_
(10-26-2007, 09:22 PM)s0mb0dy link Wrote: <Dennis> I am going to do some other things.. cya
<s0mb0dy> Have a nice wank :)
<MrBondt> Good luck Dennis
<Dennis> I already did :+
* s0mb0dy hands Dennis an Tiseu
<s0mb0dy> :)
<Dennis> Just 1?
* Makaveli hands Dennis some condoms
<s0mb0dy> A condom for wanking?
<Dennis> You use condoms when you go to wank Makaveli? :+
<Makaveli> No.
<MrBondt> You do when you have sex.
<Makaveli> ^p
<MrBondt> Mostly.
<Dennis> :')
<Makaveli> Not in s0mb0dy’s case.
<s0mb0dy> hmms Funy IRC Queto :D:D
<Dennis> And totally not in Makaveli’s case
<Dennis> !explain sex
<BenBot>  sex  = something Makaveli will never get

* Makaveli throws s0mb0dy some porn
* s0mb0dy faps
* s0mb0dy puts some fapsel(sperm) in Makaveli's hand
<Makaveli> !define Clownporn disgusting s0mb0dy
<BenBot>  10Added 'Clownporn' to the database
<TriggeR>  2(  1222 02: 1222 02: 1233 02 )  02 ( & Nuwani 02 )  02[7]  07itech:  strall analský sikimm
<Makaveli> lmfao
<TriggeR> what should I think of that? :+
<TriggeR> :p
<MrBondt> Yes.
<s0mb0dy> !explain Cl0wnporn
<BenBot>  4'Cl0wnporn' does not exist in the database
<s0mb0dy> !explain Clownporn
<BenBot>  Clownporn  = disgusting s0mb0dy
<s0mb0dy> rofl lol!!

Translated! :D
@ tomozj k Tj but my english sux the dubbel post is my foult Srry  ;)
@ estroe ty estroe :)
(10-27-2007, 02:33 PM)s0mb0dy link Wrote: @ trigger ty Triggor :)

Omg, even thinking of comparing him with [b]me[b]. I should spank you.
hahaha  _O- srry essie :D :D changed it  8)
<drmason> so I'm just about to splurge when I suddenly hear my dad coming up the stairs

<s0mb0dy> !wtf
<Cibby> [12:33pm] s0mb0dy: ow brb moet een nieuwe luier

<s0mb0dy> !wtf
<Cibby> [12:33pm] s0mb0dy: ow brb i need an new diaper


<Jorijn> .cmd add wtf echo('[12:33pm] s0mb0dy: ow brb moet een nieuwe luier');
<Cibby> Successfully created and enabled 'wtf'.
<Jorijn> .cmd save wtf
<Cibby> Successfully saved 1 command to the database.
I've got some nice ones I could definetely share:

Quote:[18:12:41] <John_Whites> 1 last question do you know VorGan ?
[18:12:52] <John_Whites> this noob ?
[18:13:07] <John_Whites> do some one know him ?
[18:13:30] <Felle> nope
[18:13:33] <John_Whites> his password is vorgan ! :)
[18:13:44] <John_Whites> and his name VorGan !
[18:13:54] <Woet> orly
[18:13:57] <John_Whites> he was so stupid to show his pass !
[18:13:59] <Woet> how interesting to know
[18:14:14] <John_Whites> you can login and do shit !
[18:14:19] <Woet> awesome
[18:14:19] <John_Whites> then he get banned !
[18:14:29] <Woet> fantastic
[18:14:33] <John_Whites> !!!
[18:14:36] <John_Whites> yep
[18:14:46] <Felle> looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
[18:14:47] <IJzerenRita> übercool

Quote:[18:16:26] * ^Alpha (neilbuckle@91B3D0C0.18492204.11B57465.IP) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[18:16:43] <Simex2> 2.00
[18:16:47] * ^Alpha (neilbuckle@91B3D0C0.18492204.11B57465.IP) has joined #sa-mp
[18:16:47] * @Alex (yless42@y-less.com) Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:16:49] <Simex2> v2.00
[18:16:52] <[CUSA]Mike> mike guess wat?!
[18:17:08] <Simex2> now can you help me?
[18:17:11] <dugi> simex type !patch
[18:17:24] <Simex2> what?
[18:17:24] <dugi> and download that to downgrade your game
[18:17:24] <Xelios> hey hey, its not simex, its simex2
[18:17:28] <Violet_Blood> mmm
[18:17:38] * divine (a@gtanet-CE51544E.gprs-nat.mtsnet.ru) Quit (Quit:  InetTools IRC 1.7 beta 5  îò ÕÀÎÑà.)
[18:18:08] <dugi> type !patch
[18:18:13] <Simex2> i have to get the same version of sa-mp
[18:18:16] <Simex2> ?
[18:18:23] <Xelios> just type !patch
[18:18:39] <Felle> type !patch to downgrade your SA
[18:18:45] <Simex2> what are you talking about?
[18:18:54] <Felle> LOL
[18:18:55] <Simex2> i not undrestanding
[18:18:57] <Xelios> just type !patch thats it
[18:18:58] <Felle> Quote saving
[18:19:02] <Felle> type !patch
[18:19:06] <dugi> about typing !patch
[18:19:32] <Simex2> do you speak portuguese

Quote:[20:08:24] <Danieru> Trat.. ur spooky, normal people don't know such things xD
[20:08:34] <Tratulla> I never claimed to be normal

Quote:[21:06:32] * Samppa (asama@gtanet-6C9E7A41.ip1.netikka.fi) has joined #sa-mp
[21:07:12] * [CP]Don_Corleone (AdTec_224@gtanet-67EF1765.dsl.telepac.pt) Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:07:13] <Samppa> Good evening Ladies & Gentlemen
[21:08:02] <Samppa> My lawyer recommended for me that I should demand some $$$ cause ya guys are using my name your mod´s name
[21:08:35] <Samppa> So erm
[21:08:38] <Felle> is this a joke ?
[21:08:50] <Dutchguy> ROFLMAOLOLWTFHAHA
[21:08:50] <Samppa> No, definitely not a joke
[21:08:54] <dugi> lol
...and on goes the discussion for quite a while :

Quote:[22:17:10] * crisiSz has joined #felle
[22:17:26] <crisiSz> hi
[22:17:26] <Henry> 3Hi there crisiSz ! What's up ?
[22:17:30] <Henry> :)
[22:17:31] <crisiSz> good
[22:17:47] <crisiSz> you?
[22:18:08] <crisiSz> im new with samp:)
[22:20:23] <crisiSz> read ''talk shit'' say something:P
[22:23:06] <crisiSz> hello?
[22:23:09] <Henry> hello crisiSz, how are you today?
[22:23:10] <crisiSz> this is scary
[22:23:21] <crisiSz> nobody is talking!!
[22:23:25] <Henry> please?
[22:23:29] <crisiSz> whta
[22:23:38] <crisiSz> good
[22:23:41] <crisiSz> you?
[22:24:30] <crisiSz> how are you henry
[22:24:31] <crisiSz> ?
[22:24:34] <Henry> not sure about it
[22:25:01] <crisiSz> :=P
[22:25:05] <crisiSz> :P
[22:25:08] <Henry> ewww... put that thing away!
[22:25:17] <crisiSz> what??
[22:25:23] <crisiSz> :=P
[22:25:58] <crisiSz> you are the only 1 whos talking:P
[22:30:10] <crisiSz> cya henry and felle and convirt and tomo
[22:30:18] * crisiSz has quit IRC (Quit: )
(keep in mind Henry's a bot)

Think I got some more, maybe I'll post them some other time :>
Felle!  :D

nice ones  :P


_O- _O-