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Ban the person above you with a reason
banned for calling yourself a ww pwner
(11-22-2010, 07:25 AM)H0lden link Wrote: banned for calling yourself a ww pwner
Banned for playing WoW 8)7
banned for being an faggot
banned for spelling fail
Banned for name "Weezy" :D
banned for playing on lw instead of lvp
(11-22-2010, 02:20 PM)Weezy link Wrote: banned for playing on lw instead of lvp

banned for making a serious ban video to get unbanned crying in  ur ban video for a  ban ? banned ? and i would like to announce tht ur officially un banned thxs for the attension u must hav real patience reading this  8)7
(11-22-2010, 06:46 PM)Snip3r link Wrote: banned for making a serious ban video to get unbanned crying in  ur ban video for a  ban ? banned ? and i would like to announce tht ur officially un banned thxs for the attension u must hav real patience reading this  8)7

If I was a forum moderator, I would have closed the topic with these words above. ^
Banned for saying "if I was"
(11-22-2010, 07:13 PM)Weezy link Wrote: Banned for saying "if I was"

Banned for making retarded topics.