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source: http://gtaturk.com/
IV was okay, it just needed a little spark on some points in the story. GTA SA however, was overdone. There were parts in the story line that just did not fit in. The whole Toreno mission package was way over the top. I mean c'mon, a small-time gangster doing what seemed to be CIA missions, infiltrating 'highly secured' military bases, stealing jet fighters and killing what should be great pilots in a dogfight? That's a bit over the top. Apart from bits like that, the story was just fine. Oh and how could I forget the whole Black Project scenario... As if killing an entire base wasn't enough.

Anyway, even with what seems to be a tight schedule, I'm certain I'll buy the game. Still crossing fingers for a great map.
Agreed^, though the missions were fun.

What do you guys mean, 'that GTA feeling?' I'm assuming you mean 'that GTA III feeling,' seeing as Vice City and San Andreas are expansions on III. III is very dissimilar to I and II, and also to IV. I'm expecting V to have a 'feeling' closer to IV than V, however.
It's all in the car physics.

I would prefer a VC/SA feeling game though, as much as I love IV.
I, myself, started on III. I played the ones after. III, VC are the real GTA games for me. GTA:SA was less already but I mainly like it because I started playing SA-MP.
But IV was too different for me. Not really the story though, it was the gameplay that put me off.
VC was where I started and I think VC single player will always be my favourite.
I gotta say that SA was my favourite overall simply because I spent over a thousand hours on sa-mp- but the general atmosphere of VC will be hard to beat by any game- and Rockstar are some of the best developers out there.
I brought GTA IV & Eps of Liberty City triple pack, I got sick of IV standard, Lost and damned is pretty kewl because im into bikers and bikes myself, still yet to try Ballard of gay tony, Should set up my PS3 one day it just gathers dust :P I started GTA at the start :) and my all time favourite is VC, SA is good but some of the SP just didnt interest me. I will buy GTA V for my PS3 but only when its cheap so I dont regret spending $100+ AUSD
VC remains to be my favourite as well :)
GTA 3 and Vice City are probably the best GTA's in the series. Can't wait to see what they come up with in V.
VC was my first and favorite :D
VC has my favourite storyline and, of course, soundtrack. But imo what makes us prefer the old games is the memory of them - it's never as fun playing through a game a second time as it was the first.

I hope they can find a compromise though. I Like GTA IV for the graphics and the gameplay/handling. I like San Andreas for the things like driving a combine harvester down a pavement, or base jumping off of the US Bank Tower. They don't have to go all-out saints row, just meeting somewhere in the middle would be good.