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(02-14-2011, 06:38 AM)Hitman link Wrote: samp is way too shit for ESL lol, dont think thats gonna work out.. i mean ESL is all professional and shit, and SAMP is just a bugged piece of crap, cant be played competitive seeing as the guy with the better modded game or with the shittier internet connection wins the fight
The anticheat made by ESL for SA-MP is already in testing stage  :roll:
Hitman, you'll be surprised at the success ESL could bring to SAMP competitive DM if it was fully functional
Quote:[...] is just a bugged piece of crap [...]

Quote:The anticheat made by ESL for SA-MP is already in testing stage.

There won't be a anticheat that totally redesigns a game, GTA San Andreas wasn't meant to be played online, methods, like 2shot, 4shot and the Crouch Bug are just bugs that are abused, do you even have the permission from Kye to play that?

Quote:© This software may not be exploited for personal, financial or
commercial gain.

and as far as I see the Electronic Sports League wants to be payed for things like premium membership etc.
As our twitter says, PsySide has been promoted to Hardcore Hooligan!

Congrats :r
Congratz mate
(02-14-2011, 04:10 PM)thiaZ link Wrote: There won't be a anticheat that totally redesigns a game, GTA San Andreas wasn't meant to be played online, methods, like 2shot, 4shot and the Crouch Bug are just bugs that are abused, do you even have the permission from Kye to play that?

and as far as I see the Electronic Sports League wants to be payed for things like premium membership etc.
Who gives a toss what Kye says? ESL will just go ahead with it anyway, Kye already makes tons of money from the hosted list  _O-
Even if ESL fail with SA:MP whats that good with the trainings?!?
So enforcers or captains answer would you guys like that or not?
(02-14-2011, 07:09 PM)FateTrip link Wrote: As our twitter says, PsySide has been promoted to Hardcore Hooligan!

Congrats :r
(02-14-2011, 07:09 PM)FateTrip link Wrote: As our twitter says, PsySide has been promoted to Hardcore Hooligan!

Congrats :r
congratz mate  :7
congrats macedonian fucktard.