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Profiles on the website are updating again!
After a long period of countless errors with our databases, caused by configuration errors after we migrated both the web and the database servers to new machines,  today I'm happy to tell you that we've fixed them and everything is running stable again!

In a nutshell, this means that profiles, player overviews and settings on http://sa-mp.nl/ will be up-to-date again.

If you experience any issues, please let us know and we'll get them solved as soon as possible!

Nice work \o/
Awesome job! :)
Great! :D
(12-14-2012, 12:39 AM)Russell link Wrote: If you experience any issues, please let us know and we'll get them solved as soon as possible!

The Whatpulse statistics and karma points are still outdated.
To be honest, the stats aren't updating anymore.
At the first view of my profile I get this:
Warning:  file_get_contents(http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/Xanland.json): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
in /home/lvp/domains/sa-mp.nl/public_html/Sources/Modules/Profiles/Frontpage.php on line 973

Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/lvp/domains/sa-mp.nl/public_html/Sources/Modules/Profiles/Frontpage.php on line 976
And after a refresh the error disappears, but still nothing happens. :S

And why using file_get_contents and not cUrl?
The error you are referring to is the twitter feed that fails to load because they broke their API and we need to adapt the site.

I think there might be some problem with the profiles.
My profile looks like this. As you can see it seems that hasn't updated since June 2011.

Hopefully there is not any mistake on my part, if there is please correct me :)

Attached Files
.png   wf.PNG (Size: 50.96 KB / Downloads: 13)
(12-23-2012, 04:38 PM)Xanland link Wrote: To be honest, the stats aren't updating anymore.

It was working, but it isn't again.
[me=Xanland]coughs: Last online: Sunday 2nd of January, 2011[/me]

You and striker know that I've been online for the last few days. :P