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Any other time a performance like that and losing 1-0 is bad luck, a performance like that and a draw and we can smile. Against Manchester United as Sir Bill Shankly used to say it's more important than life or death (he said that about football in general though).

I can't complain about our team's performace in the second half, but Johnson kept going up and instead of taking advantage of the space he'd have he'd waste it. Maxi is starting to look like Lucas in his first season, so far I'm far from impressed with him. I thought he'd shine this season and he may well do that but it's not looking like it.

Hodgson needs to get up sometimes and actually inspire the team to do better during the game, he just sits there with frustation in his face. If you don't vote in an election (and you're able to) you shouldn't complain about the result. Similar situation here.
(09-19-2010, 03:58 PM)Munch link Wrote: One of Man U's worse players scores a hat-trick
berbatov - 6 games, 7 goals, 1 assist
rooney - 4 games, 1 goal, 2 assists(including CL)
2010/2011, excluding national team matches because Berbatov has officially quit our national team.

also, Gerrard's 2nd goal was due to Fletcher's clumsy moving to the right and leaving a hole for the ball to go in through. i personally think that a player would do that only if he was bribed.
(09-19-2010, 04:53 PM)XiZ link Wrote: what?
berbatov - 6 games, 7 goals, 1 assist
rooney - 4 games, 1 goal, 2 assists(including CL)
2010/2011, excluding national team matches because Berbatov has officially quit our national team.

How many times must I say this? Stats mean little. All they mean is that he's had 2 more games and scored 7 goals and assisted one. Berbatov was alright in his first season but he's shit compared to the rest of Man U he's nothing and I value Rooney much higher than him (not just because he used to live by me).

Excluding international games (he scored twice last week for Spain) Torres has only scored 1 all season and that was against West Brom whereas David N'Gog has scored 6 already. Does that make N'Gog better than Fernando Torres? No it just means he's managed to score more. I've always liked N'Gog since he first came to us and always defended him but he's nowhere near Fernando's level yet.

Here's one for you.

Fernando Torres scored the fastest first 50 goals in Liverpool's history in just 72 appearences. That's 8 games quicker than both Sam Raybould and Albert Stubbins (80 games), Roger Hunt who scored 50 goals in his first 81 games. Does that mean Torres is better than Roger Hunt in his day? No way!
guess i forgot to make "2010/2011" bold. :(
Okay if you're going to compare players after only a month and a half and decide the better player, look at the bit about Torres and N'Gog.
(09-19-2010, 06:04 PM)Munch link Wrote: Okay if you're going to compare players after only a month and a half and decide the better player, look at the bit about Torres and N'Gog.
that's true there but my point was about Manchester United, not Liverpool. ;)
(09-19-2010, 06:10 PM)XiZ link Wrote: that's true there but my point was about Manchester United, not Liverpool. ;)

The Hell? Man U beat Liverpool with one of their worst players getting the hat-trick and you're trying to convince me that he's not as bad by giving me some stats and your comeback is that it's about Manchester United and not Liverpool? Being Man U or Liverpool doesn't make a difference, it's the same story.

Rooney kicks Berbatov's arse but Berbatov has the better stats at the moment. Torres is better than N'Gog but N'Gog has the better stats and is in much better form.
Torres is shit
If Utd's worst player scored a Hat-Trick against Liverpool then it speaks volumes about your team.

And no "bad" player could have scored that 2nd goal.

bye again.
Lol at saying Berbatov is one of Utd's worst players. I had the privilege of seeing him in a spurs shirt for 2 years and some of the things he did left me open mouthed, not forgetting the partnership he formed with Keane that produced more than a goal a game for 2 seasons.. Sure he's not lived up to expectations so far but palying at Uts is a MASSIVE step up from anywhere he's been and obviously found it hard to express himself.

What I saw today was the real Berbatov. Form is temporary, class is permanent.

Oh and btw this is the poorest Liverpool "team" I have seen in a long while, sure you have some great individuals but as a cohesive unit it's pretty poor. If you finish top 6 this season it will be a good acheivement. I think signing Hodgson was a bad move for him and the club.