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Post a question for the person below you

What names do you want to give for your children?
Probably my late mothers name for my daughter and my late grandfathers name for my son.

If your house is catching on fire and you can only take out with you one personal item, which one would it be ?
Ha, that's an easy one. My guitar.

Who's your favorite person on LVP?
(07-14-2016, 04:39 PM)Lucy Wrote: Ha, that's an easy one. My guitar.

Who's your favorite person on LVP?

Lucy  :D

How Old Are u ? ?
25 going on 26.

One thing you want to do before you die.
Get rich asf

Which are you: very fun or immature? What's the difference?
i'm very fun, which people mistake for immaturity. I know how to behave in every situation so I know where I can go.

would you rather lick a cow's shitty ass or put a horse's cock in ur mouth
What the fuck man, your questions are getting a bit bizarre :v
If I had to choose at gunpoint, I guess I'd pick the latter.

Would you rather lick out Shark's ears or breathe the fumes from my exhaust?
Mmhh Luce, great question! :X Anyhow, I would go for your car's exhaust since your car runs on petrol.

Should the title of this topic be changed so Lucy doesn't have to reply illegally in this topic?
Absolutely not; a bit of gender assumption never killed anybody. I still say "all you guys" even when there may be a female in the group.

What's the funniest joke you've ever heard?